Trouble transitioning back from vegetarian to paleo/primal + getting enough fat

After almost a year of eating vegetarian in protest of factory farming, I came across an article convincing me that low carb is the way to go. I was very happy and healthy eating primal (I eat cheese) about 5 years ago, so I’m transitioning back to what I know.

My stomach has tolerated bone broth quite well, but I’m having a shitty (heh) time with non-liquids. I drank bone broth for ten days without a problem. On Saturday, I had a chicken drumstick. Today (Tuesday), I had 2 oz of beef.

I’ve had horrible stomach cramps and runny number 2. I know the meat itself wasn’t bad because my omnivore husband had no problem eating much larger quantities of the same material.

In the meanwhile, I’m definitely not getting enough fat/protein. I have eggs in butter in the morning but otherwise I’m all veggies and a bit of fruit. I’m quite hungry since I’ve given up rice/beans, which was the bulk of my diet. I’m allergic to avocado and nuts but I’ve been historically happy to munch on seeds (chia, pumpkin, sunflower, etc) to help make up for fats, but I still don’t think I’m getting enough.

Advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/savorymonk
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from paleo diet


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