How To Eat Paleo on the Go?

I’ve recently adopted the paleo diet and it has helped immensely with my autoimmune problems. I have lasting energy for the first time in months and my symptoms have lessened for the first time in over a year. My only issue is, I work two jobs and often have to eat lunch on-the-go in the car. A lot of the paleo-friendly type wraps and sandwich breads (the only food items that seem to be conducive to eating in the car) are really small and break easily. The tortillas I bought for making wraps are made of almond flour, and when you fold them, they basically tear in half so often, it is a worry that what I am eating may end up in my lap. On the other hand, the wraps are also very small, and it is tough enough to eat one wrap on-the-go, let alone two; hoping for another red light to open the tin foil on the other to even get a bite. The paleo bread is very small and isn’t really enough to satiate, I feel. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to combat these problems? I was thinking smoothies, but don’t know of many good protein drinks. Sometimes I feel like what I eat doesn’t give me lasting energy and I don’t know why. I am also gluten free because I have celiac. Any advice is welcome. Thank you!

submitted by /u/3aria
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from paleo diet


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