[blogspam] Harry Potter's Paleo Sticky Chocolate Birthday Cake in celebration of his birthday today

Today is July 31st, which means that it’s both Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling’s birthday. So, it’s only fitting that I close out a month of Harry Potter recipes with a big, sticky chocolate cake just like the one Harry received from Hagrid on his 11th birthday. My version of Harry Potter’s Sticky Chocolate Birthday Cake is the perfect homage to the magic and whimsy that J.K. Rowling offered the muggle world with her books with a gluten-free twist.

Here’s the recipe in case you want to make your own https://whipandwander.com/harry-potters-sticky-chocolate-birthday-cake-gluten-free-refined-sugar-free-paleo/

(Note: there’s a skip-to-recipe button at the top of the page)

submitted by /u/whipandwander
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2XfAMlK


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