AIP/Paleo helped but I became malnourished in the process

Hi everyone, looking for some advice here. I am a young female. I went on AIP to see whether it helped with my lifelong depression/anxiety disorders. It really helped, I felt the “heaviness” all over the body go away and more energy in my body and generally feeling mentally much better. However in the process I completely f-ed up my iron levels, zinc levels and lost a bunch of weight to becoming nearly underweight. My immune system has gotten messed up and I am getting sick more often. I started being dizzy all the time (because I was on iron supplements that reduced zinc). It was kind of frightening. Now I am having to add back legumes, some grains and nightshades (potatoes) to get calories and minerals. I was eating 2 meals of chicken breast, broccoli and sweet potato for months (It was super boring, but depression makes you listless). Anyway, for those who have successfully done AIP or Paleo (nuts and eggs work fine for me) for years, I would love to hear some sample meal plans or what you eat on a typical day

submitted by /u/lon12apt
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from paleo diet


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