Salads are not paleo, in my opinion

Did people eat vegetables historically? Absolutely. Did they eat 5 cups of lettuce in a single meal, along with half a cucumber, half a bell pepper, a carrot, etc? No way. It’s way too much fiber. Paleo man was about getting efficient calories. No, he wasn’t eating white bread, but he was definitely eating natural foods that had net positive caloric content.

If you want to eat lettuce leaves as garnish, perfect. If you want to eat a salad because it reduces your calorie intake, and you are trying to lose weight, then that’s fine.

If you try to eat salads because you are just trying to be as healthy as you can be, and you want to eat the closest thing to your ancestral diet, then I think you’re on the wrong track.

Source for downsides of too much fiber:

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or nutritionist. These are just my opinions, so don’t take my post down because you think it is breaking the rules, please.

submitted by /u/slvrsrfrrr
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from paleo diet


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