[question] struggling to eat enough on paleo?

I just finished a 21 day elimination diet and I feel really great!!

But I noticed it was extremely hard for me to eat enough food each day and/or hit my macros. I usually ended up eating around 80-90g of protein and about 1,550 calories. I am a healthy weight and am NOT trying to lose weight (26F, 5’6”, currently 128lbs but usually closer to 133-135lbs) so are there sneaky ways to add in more calories or protein? I wasn’t drinking protein shakes during the elimination diet to limit the processed food I was consuming but am definitely open to having one now that I know my triggers. Any paleo recs??

I want to continue paleo, but also don’t want to wind up a twig, losing all the muscle I’ve worked for over the years :) TIA!!

submitted by /u/laurk72
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/316Crgn


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