[Question] Kale Powder and Salicylates

I’m on a paleo aip diet because of autoimmune issues and struggle with getting enough potassium (4g) a day.

I react to salicylates and want to avoid high amounts of oxalates and fodmaps. This eliminates most of the higher potassium foods like avocados, bananas, coconut water…

I don’t want to eat too much of the vegetables I eat regularly (mushrooms, broccoli…) because of their salicylate and fodmap content. That’s why I don’t get enough potassium.

Kale is low in salicylates and fodmaps, medium in oxalates and fairly high in potassium. Unfortunately I can’t get kale in Austria. So I just found out that there’s kale powder. That’d be an easy and convenient source of potassium for me. Just before I wanted to order some, I remembered that “dried and preserved vegetables are high in potassium”.

So what does that mean for kale powder? I mean, it kinda is dried and should therefore be high in potassium. Does anybody know if this is the case? Does anybody know another way to get enough potassium and avoid high amounts of salicylates, fodmaps and oxalates (I really want to avoid supplementing with artificial potassium though).

Thank you for your help!

submitted by /u/dani-el-maestro
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/3hClzDF


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