[Question] any suggestions for eating clean while out on the road?

I drive for a moving company and during the summer I am all over the West. I’m looking for suggestions on ways that other people eat clean while traveling. Sometimes in bigger cities doordash is an option more often than not though it’s trying to find something at a grocery store to take back to the hotel room. Food deserts are a real thing. Truck stops and small town grocery stores seem to have nothing but processed food. What sort of things do you like to carry in a cooler on road trips? Any interesting finds at grocery stores or gas stations that have saved the day? Are any of the Paleo protein/meal replacement mixes any good? I’m not opposed to meal prepping ahead of time as long as it would reheat well in the microwave. I also have a 12-volt Crock-Pot that I use from time to time. And I already carry quite a few RX bars / Lara bars / tuna pouches. Sometimes we can get stuck out at a job for several hours.

submitted by /u/308moose
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2YTEOjS


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