[Question] Gestational Diabetes

Hi everyone, I’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and I’m wondering if any of you have experience with that.

I’m asking because I’m really confused about the information I’m getting - when my midwife told me my diagnosis, she suggested some things such as eating sandwiches with a lettuce wrap instead of bread. I immediately thought of the primal diet because I did that years ago and really loved it. But then my diabetes specialist gave me a sample meal plan that is almost identical to how I’ve been eating already. It says not to do low-carb, and that I should be eating at least 150 grams of carbs per day, only eat whole wheat products, and no sugar, which I was already doing. I’m afraid to bring this up because I don’t trust the medical industry and I’m worried they will just put me on insulin. I’m considering just switching over to primal and not telling her. 150 grams of carbs sounds really high to me - isn’t the whole idea of diabetes to decrease your carb levels because your body can’t handle them?

In my birth class, I actually learned that following a low-carb diet can give you a false positive on the glucose screening because your body cannot handle that glucose drink if you’re used to eating a protein and fat based diet. So I’m hoping that maybe that’s the case for me and when I start testing my blood sugar I won’t see it spike.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/messdnys
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2W8RBNZ


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