[Discussion] [Blogspam] Hey fellow Paleo friends, my friend and I created a simple database of farms that are currently in-stock and delivering straight to people's doors. As meat/veggie lovers, we'd love your thoughts!

tldr: https://farmsthataredelivering.com

I live in New York City and my parents who are older live with me so I can’t risk going outside to get meat and produce during this epidemic + Instacart, Amazon Prime Now, etc. have limited availability. As a result, it’s been difficult for me to eat Paleo (especially since we have a whole bunch of my childhood favorites - instant ramen, Chef Boyardee, etc.).

Coincidentally, my friend Jason was doing some research and found some farms that were delivering straight to our doors! We thought other people were probably having the same problem so we made a simple database of farms that are currently in-stock and delivering straight to people’s doors!

We currently have 32 farms that ship meat nationwide with 1 farm that ships produce (more coming soon!). If you have any suggestions, whether it’s farms to add or ideas, please PM me!

Without further ado, here’s the link: https://farmsthataredelivering.com

submitted by /u/davidkpham
[link] [comments]

from paleo diet https://ift.tt/3bBs46x


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