Do these portions look okay for weight loss? [Question]

I’m 212 lbs trying to lose weight. Currently doing high intensity strength training 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. This is what a typical meal looks like for me. Weight loss has been really slow. What should I change?

This is keto ground beef, so 55% fat (I still had it from when I tried keto so I had to use it). I didn’t add oil and used the animal fat from the ground beef to cook the vegetables. Added seasonings (paprika, cumin, garlic salt, pepper). Vegetables are asparagus, Mexican squash, sweet potato.

Cauliflower rice was cooked with the leftover animal fat from ground beef, added tomato sauce, chicken stock, salt.

submitted by /u/trailblazer_4
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from paleo diet


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