Recipes and meal plans [question]

Hey friends! Did Paleo for about 3 months. Lost an amazing amount of weight and felt great, then I just plateaued with the weight loss. Slowly introduced carbs again and I’m up a few pounds, but no worries. Starting Monday I really want to get back into this lifestyle. Can anyone link or share recipes or meal plans to help me out? I constantly felt like I didn’t have a lot of options, or that I just wasn’t creative enough. I have an awesome book that my mother gave me, but I feel like a solid 40% of the recipes involve avocados, which I can’t stand. (Avocado based - not something I could omit) I’m open to anything without avocados or mushrooms. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated :) thank you

submitted by /u/Turtles001
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from paleo diet


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