Tell me some very simple paleo recipes!

Hi guys, a young man living in Korea. Not north :)

I’m going to start ‘Paleo diet’, but I’m here to get some help. because I have less information about the 'Paleo diet’ in Korea.

Prices of beef here are quite expensive, so I usually try to use pork or chicken. Also, I am a minimalist, so all cooking utensils are saute pan, induction, kitchen knife, cutting board. No oven!

I have kale, salt, pepper, vinegar, bay leaf, kiwi, apple, soy sauce, Soybean paste, red wine, sweet potato.

Without an oven, what simple Paleo Recipe can be done with a single fan? Until now, I ate simple cooking methods such as bossam and steak.

Mostly with a translator, so please understand that the grammar is strange.

I’ll wait for your help. Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/chingchonginROK
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from paleo diet


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