[Other] Paleo in Seattle.. and is Carnivore restaurant still open?

Hey everyone,

Me and my girlfriend were going to be in Seattle overnight and we were wondering if there’s anywhere that’s actually Paleo friendly to eat at? It says Carnivore is permanently closed on Google, but they were posting up until a month ago on Facebook. My girlfriend is gluten sensitive, and im weirdly allergic to vegetable/seed oils as well as dairy. Last time we were there we went to Capitol Hill cidar and literally all they could make me was bacon and a green salad with a basic olive oil vinegrette.. I’d rather avoid this again, but from my googling Seattle seems pretty keen on making me drink soybean oil.

Thanks for your help fellow cavemen/cavewomen.

submitted by /u/Scrambles94
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/35ZXj8D


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