[Discussion] Should we have the same Macros every day? Or mix it up?

According to the book Antifragile (not a nutrition book) the author posits that there may be health benefits to having variable macro profiles on a day-to-day.. for example: Have no (or low) protein Monday, have no (or low) carbs Tuesday. The thinking behind this being that it may resemble human anthropological eating patterns or at the very least, the disorderly nature of the diet has some benefit or hormesis (what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger).

Does anyone experiment or consistently do this? It’s common and maybe beneficial to have variety in your diet from day to day, but what I’m asking about is the variability in your daily Fat/Protein/Carb ratio, because it seems like it’s less common/popular for that to change significantly in a targeted way.

Obviously fasting is a great and popular way to change things up and is a method of hormesis, BUT I don’t often hear of people saying they eat no protein one day, for example (excluding fasting). But it’s piqued my curiosity, especially considering I loved the book for all the other aspects! Just wanted to share and see if you guys have any studies or anecdotes or other sources in regards to this sort of thing.

side question: Do you guys/gals ever skip meat for a day from time to time and for what reason?

Happy Holidays!

submitted by /u/BuzzedAndConfused
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2PSJhzK


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