[Question] Your best "utility" sauce because I have to use it every meal

Quick explanation is that I have heaps of trouble swallowing because I’m a head and neck cancer survivor. I’ve been paleo for a month but I’m having a really hard time not choking on the meat portions of the meals. I really need a utility sauce that will allow the meats to slide down and not get hung up. (BTW all your jokes are welcome, I’m solid with my situation. My friends are ruthless so there’s nothing I haven’t heard.)

I had an extensive surgery called a ‘neck dissection’ and the end result is a poor ability to force food down. Mostly swallowing for me is allowing the food to drop backwards and down. This means a lot of aspirating if the texture is clingy or rough and there isn’t sufficient saucy liquid to allow the food bolus to slide on.

I’ve been looking at paleo sauces but do you have a recommendation for your all-around fav? I’ll need it a lot (almost every meal really) so lower calorie/better for you is important. Taste isn’t crazy important and I don’t mind if it conflicts with the meat, I just need it to work. My taste is about 40% anyway after the radiation so it’s not a big deal. I just need a sauce I can make/buy in bulk and that keeps in the fridge and tolerates a lunch pail.

Thank you all for your help and guidance! Happy holidays :)

submitted by /u/agutgopostal
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2QLyXuu


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