[Discussion]New to Paleo, a bit overwhelmed. Advice?

I went and saw a cardiologist yesterday to check up on an irregular heartbeat I’ve been having. I’m fine, it’s benign PVC’s but while there the doctor suggested I switch to eating paleo and that it would benefit me. I was quite surprised as I considered this to be a bit of a ‘fad’ diet. Turns out he felt it quite the contrary and we talked at length about how healthy it would be for me. I guess I’m going paleo lol.

I’ve been reading a bit online about switching over but the information can be overwhelming. Could you guys suggest a good primer to start with? I’ll really need to digest a lot of information because I’ll have restrictions on what I am actually able to consume. I don’t have any teeth and I can’t swallow well (throat cancer survivor) so lean meat can be an issue. It’s not impossible though, I’ll just need to plan ahead and find sauces or dips that are allowed to makes eating easier.

Anyway, thanks for any advice you might have. I’m excited to begin this new chapter and try some new recipes. Have a great day!

submitted by /u/agutgopostal
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2VHxG7Y


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