[question] off and on and off and on the wagon?

I did my first Whole30 back in 2014 to drop the baby weight, and I was fucking hardcore. 10 rounds between October of 2014 to September of 2017, and paleo in between rounds. I was unshakable - never caved. Enjoyed cooking meals, meal planned. Lost the baby weight and got strong. I looked great but more importantly, I felt great. (I have Crohn’s disease and the change in diet was a tremendous help.)

Then I got pregnant again in October of 2017. Terrible morning sickness (vomiting 10+ times a day) and the only thing I could keep down was awful, disgusting carbs. Like, McDonald’s was my breakfast of choice most days. Ick. Kept eating shitty out of convenience (full time teacher, part time choreographer, wife, mom) which continued after having my second daughter last summer. Dealt with some pretty heavy PPD this time around, along with my general depression and anxiety.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to go back to paleo in the last year, but I’ve caved so easily. Late night snacks, binging on the weekends because I “earned it,” taking the easy way out and not cooking the way I used to. Has anyone else started, stopped, and then restarted after setbacks? I still have the baby weight and feel so self conscious and angry, because I should be able to do this again, right? Why was it so easy 3 years ago, but not now? Any advice (even tough love) is very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/InnocuousNameHere
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2V7tmPj


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