[Question] New to Paleo and healthy eating in general, have a few questions.

I’m 19 years old [m] and at this point in my life I feel as if it’s time to get in shape. So I’m looking into starting a Paleo diet and an exercise routine to hopefully drop some pounds and build some muscle. I’ve looked into Paleo a bit and wanted to begin but I honestly have no idea where to start. I’m about 6'2 and 230lbs and my goal is to be around 175lbs give or take. Before I begin however, i have a few questions:

- How much does an average Paleo diet cost in comparison to a standard household’s grocery list? (I don’t have a lot of income)

- How do i decide what kind of meal plan is right for me and my body type?

- How often in a month can I break from the diet plan (eating at some restaurant with friends, going for drinks etc.)

submitted by /u/Dystroyah
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2kHumMc


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