[Discussion] Motivate me, point me in the right direction

I’m not sure who all this has happened to before. But I just cannot get traction and good habits going with Paleo.

History: 2010-2011 did Paleo at about 70% level. Lost approx 40 lbs from 285 to 245. In this time period everything improved my mental health was the biggest win…anxiety issues, lightheaded feelings, mood swings. All that was nearly improved 100%. Also just my drive for getting stuff done and life was better.

Then I fell off the bandwagon slowly…and for goodness sake I cannot get back on.

I’m back to square one 285 lbs again, mood swings. Anxiety/stress intolerance issues. Stress and tension all over. Gut doesn’t love me…My 2x shirts are starting to get tight around my belly at 5'11" 285. I’m generally unenthusiastic and worried alot. Generally because I am either dealing with headaches, allergy issues, or pain in general.

This morning I took a walk and it was the icing on the cake. I literally got passed by a jogger, a jogger who could be my great grandmother she was without a doubt in her 70’s. Granted I was walking but still. Also my allergies, tension etc is causing me to have what seems like vertigo issues on occasion as well.

And yet! Even with all that said and the huge frustration that I face dealing with it. My brain and I just cannot get back on track nutrition wise. I’m either eating to much hard candy during the day( when I get my anxiety feelings, I always reach for something quick carb like) which sometimes I think its not anxiety and its a metabolic problem due to my habits.
I sit most of the day working on my computer…..

I’m looking for any suggestions. What have you done to either keep yourself on the wagon or get back on and stay on.

submitted by /u/Onegoofydad
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/2PmXWVI


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