[Question] Diet Modification for Gut Health, Inflammation and Heart Health?

In terms of nutrition, inflammation, gut health, heart health or just general health is there any changes/additions to diet or eating routine anybody would suggest?

Breakfast: Sardines Kale Cauliflower Rice Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cucumber Avocado Boiled Egg

Coconut Bread -Coconut Flour -Two Eggs -Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Dinner- Kale Cauliflower Rice Extra Virgin Olive Oil cucumber Wild Salmon

Serving of Sweet Potato / Butternut Squash

Cup of Blueberries

Around 2700 Calories in total

With 150 Grams in fat Bout 30 grams saturated fat

130 grams protein

And around 100 grams net carbs

Intermittent fasting 16/8 each day with a possible 24 hour water fast each week/two weeks.

I’ve treated and recovered over the last few years from multiple auto-immune issues, gut health and still in the process of fixing my last gut issues left over. Also am heart conscious because of family history with unexplained young heart death. Pretty happy with my current diet but wondering if there’s any changes or additions anyone could suggest that might be helpful/worthwhile?

submitted by /u/nobietyhighs
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from paleo diet https://ift.tt/31XTjUd


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