[Question] 3000 Calorie Clean Low Carb Diet

Due to chronic health issues I can’t have processed foods, gluten, dairy or any high amount of carbs/starchy foods etc but to function properly I need at least 70-100 carbs a day

I’d prefer not to overdo on animal protein for both money reasons and others I’m already having a generous amount with 190 grams of protein in my macro’s n my sat fat counts already sits at 30/40 grams, multiple avocados a day are real expensive n hard to find as well

I’m wondering what other high calorie clean (paleo esq) low carb dieters would eat, without overloading on olive oil n such for example!(already eat so much as it is)

submitted by /u/nobietyhighs
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from paleo diet http://bit.ly/2ZydiqC


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