[discussion] Switching from keto to paleo ?

Hello dear redditers

It’s a long time since I did my last posts …

I’ m for 9 months in keto now. It was for mental health reason ( need to recover from a strong depression caused by sentimental reasons) first. I don’t know if it helped, cause it was even worth at the beginning of this diet. But now I’m really getting better and better, even if there still are days without ( energy, or neurotransmitters, or both !). I became more and more interested in Nutrition, I’ve read a lot of books about it (Mercola, Gundry) and learnt a lot each time. Now I have to find my way of eating apart from dogmas, but the one that really fits me. With keto, I’m know fine with all those sugary or starcky things I used to love. I didn’t need to lose weight, I still don’t need.

But sometimes, I feel like keto is too complex with all the electrolytes things, and the micronutrients too. I have to be carefull with magnesium and vitamin D, wich really helped me even before the diet. But to look after sodium (wich was low in my last blood test), potassium, drink so much water, be carefull with C vitamin, really bores me, and when I forget to supplement, I feel like shit during a few days.

So … I’m wondering if paleo would be easier to deal with. A low carb version of paleo would be the most easier … but I don’t know how to proceed. I want to keep the fat high, cause I’m convinced it’s good for the health. But I would like to be more relaxed on all vegetables and resistant starchs like green plantains, sweet potatoes or chestnut.

One more thing : with all my readings, I’m getting more and more convinced too many proteins is really not good for the health. How are tou dealing with this ?

I will read all your advices or testimonies with great interest !

submitted by /u/Noneedtotrip
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from paleo diet http://bit.ly/2wOqifu


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