[Question] Mood improvements?

I had begun doing some sort of paleo diet (did not include dairy/eggs/nightshades/legumes) after reading Chris Kresser’s book. One day after about 3 weeks from beginning the diet, I had steam cooked broccoli+virgin olive oil+lemon+sea salt for lunch and the took a magnesium citrate pill. I felt quite calm and happy for a few hours.

I suffer from low mood. and sth. like this happened to me for the first time in my life but i could not repeat this experience ever again despite consuming similar things for a while longer. And about a week after, I stopped doing the diet.

1.What do you think was the reason behind my temporary good mood?

  1. Is there any way I can experience that kind of mood forever?

As a side note: This diet caused significant improvements in my blood test measurements. Especially vitamin/mineral levels improved quite a lot.

Thanks for the help in advance.

submitted by /u/worldcub
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from paleo diet http://bit.ly/2K2scB2


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