[Question] Fibre and Stool

What is the paleo consensus on fibre? Specifically as it pertains to constipation and hard stool. I currently eat keto, and just tried zero carb/carnivore for 3 months. I didn’t feel the latter to offer any improvements, but wasn’t a negative experience other than to say it hasn’t releived the constipation/hardstool I’ve experienced throughout eating keto/low carb. I’ve also tried discussing this on keto specific forums but the amount of unfriendly dogmatic people is a real strain to deal with. I’m asking here because I’m considering trying a much higher fibre intake.

If fibre isn’t the cause of constipation/makes it worse then how have those that have experienced it (if any) relieved it?

The only advice i’ve gotten so far from keto/zc sources: eat more fat (not sure how, I don’t like raw fat and, afaict, eat a fair amount as it is, so I’m unsure how to physically add more or how much), eat lots of Mg (i take 3x MgCit supplements a day, 300mg. I’d rather source from food if possible), drink more water (I drink to thirst).

My experience of low carb eating has been radical. In all other areas it has been positive. But this aspect is a real problem for me. It seems commensurate with a much lower fibre intake, but the consensus seems to be that fibre is bad. People cite that Fiber Menace guy and resort to all sorts of n=1 claims. None of which seem to be scientific, or backed up (pardon the pun) by evidence. So it’s very difficult to sort truth from urban myth.

Does high protein cause this?

I am grateful for any responses. This is quite a big deal for me, thanks.

submitted by /u/signoftheserpent
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from paleo diet http://bit.ly/2HE3uUK


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