[Question] Does anyone have a meal plan for an 80 year old woman?

Hey guys. I’m trying to fix my grandmothers diet to help reduce inflammation. She has arthritis and other age related issues.

Her entire life has been filled with a lot of bread, wheat, oats, milk etc so I’m kindov stumped at how to not make her life too difficult while improving it. Has anyone had success changing diet of older people?

What I’ve seen. She will typically eat those sugar filled oat packets for breakfast. Lunch would be something like fish fried in flour batter, and for dinner a chicken soup with some macaroni. I’m thinking buckwheat for breakfast (not fully paleo but she’s used to eating it), almond flour instead of wheat flour and for macaroni, some kind of potato or starchy vegetable

submitted by /u/alex617
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from paleo diet http://bit.ly/2I73Ovw


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