ADHD and Carnivory

I was recently diagnosed and I’m curious how many other carnivores here are on prescribed Adderall. I was prescribed 10mg XR for the mornings and 5mg immediate release for the afternoons. I’m supposed to run this for two weeks and come back for reevaluation.​I long suspected this diagnosis, but it is still taking some getting used to. When I first started carnivore back during the n=1 study in 2017 I noticed a huge improvement in my focus and overall mental health, but I never reached that final level of feeling free and “normal”. This medicine seems to help dial me in and it makes me way less anxious. The difference in my anxiety between SAD and ZC was night and day, and this medicine seems to be the final nail in the coffin for it.​Anyways, I welcome thoughts and input from fellow carnivores and would greatly appreciate any insight you can offer.​——-Side note:My psychological evaluation involved an EKG and a blood pressure test to ensure that my heart was in good enough shape to handle amphetamines.​Blood pressure was totally normal at 110/72, which is an improvement for me because I used to have low blood pressure. When the EKG results printed out the nurse tech looked slightly concerned and left the room briefly. He came back and asked, “How much do you exercise?” I start to worry for a moment because ever since summer 7’s rugby ended last year my only regular exercise has been playing goalkeeper in a recreational soccer league once a week. I tell him that I exercise “very lightly once per week.” He gets a surprised look on his face before saying, “Well your resting heart rate is low, so we thought maybe you exercised more."​I guess my resting heart rate was in the 50’s. Not triathlete low, but considering I don’t have any symptoms of Bradycardia I’ll consider this a win for carnivory. Not bad for someone who, according to conventional wisdom, should be suffering from clogged arteries and high blood pressure.

from Zero Carb Zebras


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