Starting to See Some of Those "Vegan" Stares from Fellow Carnivores

I don’t know about some of you, but lately, I have been feeling that burning stare of disapproval that vegans give coming in my and other people’s directions when it comes to eating something “slightly” off the carnivore diet, yet, 98% of said food is still meat. Please do not turn this way of eating into……..*cough*……THEIR way of eating.I, for the most part, eat my chuck roasts reversed seared, salt, pepper, garlic, and coriander day in and day out. However, if I see some interesting beef jerky in a store, I will buy it! I’m not going to worry that there is extras in there, as well as some sugar. Am I eating a spoonful of sugar for fun? NO! I’m having some BEEF jerky, and last I checked, beef is carnivore.Now, some will argue, “Yeah, well, all those extra additives that don’t belong in the carnivore world shouldn’t be eaten.” Well, then I guess I’m 99% carnivore and not 100%. If my body accepts those foods without any issue, I will gladly eat them. As many people have said on here, Carnivore isn’t a religion. We all need to do what works best for ourselves, and if the occasional extra seasoning on a piece of meat makes it taste even better and I eat it, then so be it. What I hated about CICO is that I may have had my calorie intake for the day, then I’d see someone have ice cream, or a donut, and I would not stop thinking about it, to the point where I would eventually cave and eat it. I don’t want to be doing that on this diet, especially if that “forbidden” food is seriously 95-99% meat.For anyone out there wondering what is good and what is not, seriously….just do you. Is it meat? Then eat it. You’ve probably already done enough research to know that your body will truly heal with beef, salt, and water. I treat myself to chicken wings every now and then too, with absolutely no side effects. If I feel my body is a little “off”, I will eat my chuck roasts for 5 days, and it will literally do a reset, and I will be fine once again.Enjoy yourselves…enjoy your carnivore way of eating…but mostly, enjoy life. Don’t hold yourself back because a group of complete strangers you will never meet in your entire life said you shouldn’t try something.Happy Eating!

from Zero Carb Zebras


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