I was pointed here to ask about sugar addiction [Other]

Hello, I was pointed here with a question about my husband and his total disengagement in our family.

A little back story, just before Thanksgiving, my husband quit eating most of the sugar he was eating (Come to find out he was eating a bag or 2 of gummies a day and as many as 12 sodas I did not know he was on this much sugar) and he stared drinking water like a gallon a day (he never drank any water before he would say “thats for washing and flushing, or there is water in my coffee/soda)

This seemed like an excellent step. But he lost an alarming amount of weight from about 160 to 120 or 130 (although he wont let me know his exact weight now) he is 5'10 tall

But now he has kind of given up on everything and is ok just sitting, wont try going to the gym or DR. you can read my original post in my profile

So I was told in a response that this sub could tell me about some kind of "sugar hangover”

He has not cut it 100% still puts 4 packets in his 24oz coffee every morning.

I am just concerned for him and looking for any information.

submitted by /u/lemon-lavender-tea
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from paleo diet http://bit.ly/2WnRZHy


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