How much protein?

When I was on Keto I ate 80grams of protein per day, I think 100-120 grams of protein per day is enough for carnivore to compensate for the veggies on keto.What is your opinion? No I do not want to consume 300gram of protein per day as some people do. 140 grams top, no more.Will I become deficient now in nutrients because that is not enough meat?No I do not want to eat ”until Im full and satisfied” when it comes to protein. 500-700 grams of meat is enough on the carnivore diet, that is not little, but is it enough to be healthy on in your opinion?100-300 grams of fat also, not more. 300 is a little much, but 100-200 then maybee.Please give me your opinion on my protein intake.First of all I cant afford 200-300 grams of protein because Im on a budget.Then it has to be veggies and less meat.

from Zero Carb Zebras


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