Insane Cholesterol Numbers (Not In A Good Way) On Carnivore (approx 8 weeks)

Started the carnivore diet on 8/3. I’m doing eggs, beef, and lamb mostly. I’ll snack on a small chunk of feta and cook in either butter, lard, or tallow. I dropped about 15 pounds and feel amazing. Also stopped booze and weed, so that probably helps :).Daily routine looks like this: Pre Breakfast/Pre Workout = 1 cup of bone broth with pink salt, 1 cup of coffee. Breakfast = 3 eggs (get them from a farm) and either bacon or about ¼ lbs of ground beef. Lunch = 1 lbs beef or lamb. Dinner = 1 lbs beef or lamb.I’m exercising a bunch. Doing some body weight training at home then hitting the gym for weights and sauna. PM doing some sprints and balance training.Just got some bloodwork back and my cholesterol numbers are HORRIBLE. This seems to contradict a lot of what I’ve been reading about the effects of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol specific to the carnivore diet. Also seems to be 180 degrees opposite to what a lot of other folks have experienced. By far the most alarming numbers I’ve had in my life:LDL-P 2767 mol/LLDL-C 344 mg/DLHDL-C 68 mg/dLTriglycerides 140 mg/dLCholesterol, Total 440 mgHDL-P 42.4Small LDL-P 1675 mol/LLDL Size 20.7 nm​Here is my bloodwork from 1 year ago eating about 80/20 paleo​Cholesterol 223 mg/dLTriglycerides 91 mg/dLHDL 72 mg/DLLDL 133 mg/dLVLDL 18 mg/DLLDL/HDL Ratio 1.8Chol/HDL Ratio 3.1​Literally everything is going bonkers, and in the wrong direction. Gonna go back on the paleo train and hope the mental and physical benefits I’ve been experiencing don’t fall off too much.I wasn’t overweight to begin with. Went from 175lbs down to 160 lbs. 5’ 11". Dropped most of the weight in the first 3 weeks. Experienced immediate and obvious benefits in the gym, overall energy level, mental clarity, skin, and teeth (no more bleeding gums during flossing). Just baffled at these numbers relative to how I feel otherwise.Interested in thoughts from this group. If disappointment were a steak, these results would be a tomahawk ribeye slathered in butter.

from Zero Carb Zebras


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