Blood tests: LDL up, HDL down, Trig way up. What’s going on?

I went from Paleo-ish to carni OMAD 2 months ago (mostly meat but with some acceptable plant food like guacamole, and others like jalapenos, onions, hot sauce, added for taste). My blood tests show LDL which was “high” is now even higher (248-> 324), HDL seems acceptable but still dropped quite a bit (58 -> 46), and Trig through the roof (89-> 251).The doc is predictably chomping at the bit to sell me some lipitor. I intent to continue ignoring that, but using this opportunity to see if they can order an NMR/VAP.Should I be concerned about any of this? I believe high trigs can be expected initially but the HDL dropping was surprising?

from Zero Carb Zebras


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