[Article] Maternal gluten intake correlated with increased risk of type 1 diabetes

https://www.bmj.com/content/362/bmj.k3547 Thoughts?

Study done solely on Danish women finds a clear correlation of increased rate of type 1 diabetes developed with increasing gluten consumption of mothers during pregnancy. Article also mentions animal studies revealing the same correlation.

On the flip-side, I am under the assumption that China has one of the highest gluten consumption rates in the world, but low rates of type 1 diabetes and celiac disease (although, for celiac, this can easily be under reported and not a concern). However, their rates of type 1 diabetes are increasing and among adults in recent years… I could be wrong and the majority of their grain consumption is non-glutinous like rice and buckwheat. Haven’t looked too much into this.

submitted by /u/Pohlavi
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