Anyone with a history of Morton's Neuroma?

This is a relatively niche condition, so I’d imagine this post only applies to a few people on this sub – I hope they’re here.A nerve between the second and third, or third and fourth toes becomes entrapped, and is irritated, and gradually thickens to cause pain. This condition is very common in women who wear high heels and in runners.Has anyone with this condition undertaken zero carb and experienced a positive benefit when it comes to neuroma? I have had this condition for 18 months now. Over time I’ve noticed patterns: generally what things worsen or irritate the condition. Alcohol is one, especially cider, for whatever reason. And carbs are the other, especially refined carbs, and the worst is sugar.The pain is non-existent when I’m fasting, and is very low and bearable when on ZC. There are debates as to what actually causes the pain in this condition: if it is neurological or if it is the inflammation associated with the nerve irritation. If inflammation, then it makes sense fasting and ZC would minimise the pain. Has anyone else had a positive experience?

from Zero Carb Zebras


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